
Like geoschem_config.yml, information about the HEMCO_Config.rc file is the same as for GEOS-Chem Classic with a few exceptions. Refer to the HEMCO documentation for an overview of the file.

Some content of the HEMCO_Config.rc file is ignored by GCHP. This is because MAPL ExtData handles file input rather than HEMCO in GCHP.

Items at the top of the file that are ignored include:

  • ROOT data directory path

  • METDIR path

  • DiagnPrefix

  • DiagnFreq

  • Wildcard

In the BASE EMISSIONS section and beyond, columns that are ignored include:

  • sourceFile

  • sourceVar

  • sourceTime

  • C/R/E

  • SrcDim

  • SrcUnit

All of the above information is specified in file ExtData.rc instead with the exception of diagnostic prefix and frequency. Diagnostic filename and frequency information is specified in HISTORY.rc.