Debug GEOS-Chem and HEMCO errors

If your GEOS-Chem or HEMCO simulation dies unexpectedly with an error or takes much longer to execute than it should, the most important thing is to try to isolate the source of the error or bottleneck right away. Below are some debugging tips that you can use.

Check if a solution has been posted to Github

We have migrated support requests from the GEOS-Chem wiki to Github issues. A quick search of Github issues (both open and closed) might reveal the answer to your question or provide a solution to your problem.

You should also feel free to open a new issue at one of these Github links:

If you are new to Github, we recommend viewing our Github tutorial videos at our GEOS-Chem Youtube site.

Check if your computational environment is configured properly

Many GEOS-Chem and HEMCO errors occur due to improper configuration settings (i.e. missing libraries, incorrectly-specified environment variables, etc.) in your computational environment. Take a moment and refer back to these manual pages (on ReadTheDocs) for information on configuring your environment:

Check any code modifications that you have added

If you have made modifications to a “fresh out-of-the-box” GEOS-Chem or HEMCO version, look over your code edits to search for sources of potential error.

You can also use Git to revert to the last stable version, which is always in the main branch.

Check if your runs exceeded time or memory limits

If you are running GEOS-Chem or HEMCO on a shared computer system, you will probably have to use a job scheduler (such as SLURM) to submit your jobs to a computational queue. You should be aware of the run time and memory limits for each of the queues on your system.

If your job uses more memory or run time than the computational queue allows, it can be cancelled by the scheduler. You will usually get an error message printed out to the stderr stream, and maybe also an email stating that the run was terminated. Be sure to check all of the log files created by your jobs for such error messages.

To solve this issue, try submitting your GEOS-Chem or HEMCO simulations to a queue with larger run-time and memory limits. You can also try splitting up your long simulations into several smaller stages (e.g. monthly) that take less time to run to completion.

Send debug printout to the log files

If your GEOS-Chem simulation stopped with an error, but you cannot tell where, turn on the the debug_printout option. This is found in the Simulation Settings section of geoschem_config.yml:

# Simulation settings
  name: fullchem
  start_date: [20190701, 000000]
  end_date: [20190801, 000000]
  root_data_dir: /path/to/ExtData
  met_field: MERRA2
  species_database_file: ./species_database.yml
  debug_printout: false  # <---- set this to true
  use_gcclassic_timers: false

This will send additional output to the GEOS-Chem log file, which may help you to determine where the simulation stopped.

If your HEMCO simulation stopped with an error, turn on debug printout by editing the Verbose and Warnings settings at the top of the HEMCO_Config.rc configuration file:


ROOT:                        /path/to/ExtData/HEMCO
METDIR:                      MERRA2
GCAP2SCENARIO:               none
GCAP2VERTRES:                none
Logfile:                     HEMCO.log
DiagnFile:                   HEMCO_Diagn.rc
DiagnPrefix:                 ./OutputDir/HEMCO_diagnostics
DiagnFreq:                   Monthly
Wildcard:                    *
Separator:                   /
Unit tolerance:              1
Negative values:             0
Only unitless scale factors: false
Verbose:                     0      # <---- set this to 3
Warnings:                    1      # <---- set this to 3

Both Verbose and Warnings settings can have values from 0 to 3. The higher the number, the more information will be printed out to the HEMCO.log file. A value of 0 disables debug printout.

Having this extra debug printout in your log file output may provide insight as to where your simulation is halting.

Look at the traceback output

An error traceback will be printed out whenever a GEOS-Chem or HEMCO simulation halts with an error. This is a list of routines that were called when the error occurred.

An sample error traceback is shown here:

forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred

Image              PC                Routine            Line        Source
gcclassic          0000000000C82023  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
libpthread-2.17.s  00002AACE8015630  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
gcclassic          000000000095935E  error_mod_mp_erro         437  error_mod.F90
gcclassic          000000000040ABB7  MAIN__                    422  main.F90
gcclassic          0000000000406B92  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown       00002AACE8244555  __libc_start_main     Unknown  Unknown
gcclassic          0000000000406AA9  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

The top line with a valid routine name and line number printed is the routine that exited with an error (error_mod.F90, line 437). You might also have to look at the other listed files as well to get some more information about the error (e.g. main.F90, line 422).

Identify whether the error happens consistently

If your GEOS-Chem or HEMCO error always happens at the same model date and time, this could indicate corrupted meteorology or emissions input data files. In this case, you may be able to fix the issue simply by re-downloading the files to your disk space.

If the error happened only once, it could be caused by a network problem or other such transient condition.

Isolate the error to a particular operation

If you are not sure where a GEOS-Chem error is occurring, turn off operations (such as transport, chemistry, dry deposition, etc.) one at a time in the geoschem_config.yml configuration file, and rerun your simulation.

Similarly, if you are debugging a HEMCO error, turn off different emissions inventories and extensions one at a time in the HEMCO_Config.rc file, and rerun your simulation.

Repeating this process should eventually lead you to the source of the error.

Compile with debugging options

You can compile GEOS-Chem or HEMCO in debug mode. This will activate several additional error run-time error checks (such as looking for assignments that go outside of array bounds or floating point math errors) that can give you more insight as to where your simulation is dying.

Configure your code for debug mode with the -DCMAKE_RELEASE_TYPE=Debug option. From your run directory, type these commands:

cd build
cmake ../CodeDir -DCMAKE_RELEASE_TYPE=Debug -DRUNDIR=..
make -j
make -j install
cd ..


Compiling in debug mode will add a significant amount of computational overhead to your simulation. Therefore, we recommend to activate these additional error checks only in short simulations and not in long production runs.

Use a debugger

You can save yourself a lot of time and hassle by using a debugger such as gdb (the GNU debugger). With a debugger you can:

  • Examine data when a program stops

  • Navigate the stack when a program stops

  • Set break points

To run GEOS-Chem or HEMCO in the gdb debugger, you should first compile in debug mode. This will turn on the -g compiler flag (which tells the compiler to generate symbolic information for debugging) and the -O0 compiler flag (which shuts off all optimizations. Once the executable has been created, type one of the following commands, which will start gdb:

$ gdb gcclassic    # for GEOS-Chem Classic
$ gdb gchp         # for GCHP
$ gdb hemco        # for HEMCO standalone

At the gdb prompt, type one of these commands:

(gdb) run                     # for GEOS-Chem Classic or GCHP
(gdb) run HEMCO_sa_Config.rc  # for HEMCO standalone

With gdb, you can also go directly to the point of the error without having to re-run GEOS-Chem or HEMCO. When your GEOS-Chem or HEMCO simulation dies, it will create a corefile such as core.12345. The 12345 refers to the process ID assigned to your executable by the operating system; this number is different for each running process on your system.

Typing one of these commands:

$ gdb gcclassic core.12345         # for GEOS-Chem Classic
$ gdb gchp core.12345              # for GCHP
$ gdb hemco_standalone core.12345  # for HEMCO standalone

will open gdb and bring you immediately to the point of the error. If you then type at the (gdb) prompt:

(gdb) where

You will get a traceback listing.

To exit gdb, type quit.

Use the brute-force method when all else fails

If the bug is difficult to locate, then comment out a large section of code and run your GEOS-Chem or HEMCO simulation again. If the error does not occur, then uncomment some more code and run again. Repeat the process until you find the location of the error. The brute force method may be tedious, but it will usually lead you to the source of the problem.

Identify poorly-performing code with a profiler

If you think your GEOS-Chem or HEMCO simulation is taking too long to run, consider using profiling tools to generate a list of the time that is spent in each routine. This can help you identify badly written and/or poorly-parallelized code. For more information, please see our Profiling GEOS-Chem wiki page.