Load software into your environment
This supplemental guide describes the how to load the required software dependencies for GEOS-Chem and HEMCO into your computational environment.
On the Amazon Web Services Cloud
All of the required software dependencies for GEOS-Chem and HEMCO will be included in the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that you use to initialize your Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) instance. For more information, please see our our GEOS-Chem cloud computing tutorial.
On a shared computer cluster
If you plan to use GEOS-Chem or HEMCO on a shared computational cluster (e.g. at a university or research institution), then there is a good chance that your IT staff will have already installed several of the required software dependencis.
Depending on your system’s setup, there are a few different ways in which you can activate these software pacakges in your computational environment, as shown below.
1. Check if libraries are available as modules
Many high-performance computing (HPC) clusters use a module manager such as Lmod or environment-modules to load software packages and libraries. A module manager allows you to load different compilers and libraries with simple commands.
One downside of using a module manager is that you are locked into using only those compiler and software versions that have already been installed on your system by your sysadmin or IT support staff. But in general, module managers succeed in ensuring that only well-tested compiler/software combinations are made available to users.
Ask your sysadmin or IT support staff for the software loading instructions specific to your system.
1a. Module load example
The commands shown below are specific to the Harvard Cannon cluster, but serve to demonstrate the process. Note that the names of software packages being loaded may contain version numbers and/or ID strings that serve to differentiate one build from another.
module load gcc/12.2.0-fasrc01 # gcc / g++ / gfortran
module load openmpi/4.1.4-fasrc01 # MPI
module load netcdf-c/4.9.2-fasrc01 # netcdf-c
module load netcdf-fortran/4.6.0-fasrc02 # netcdf-fortran
module load flex/2.6.4-fasrc01 # Flex lexer (needed for KPP)
module load cmake/3.25.2-fasrc01 # CMake (needed to
Note that it is often not necessary to load all modules. For example, loading netcdf-fortran will also cause its dependencies (such as netcdf-c, hdf5, etc.) to also be loaded into your environment.
Here is a summary of what the above commands do:
- module purge
Removes all previously loaded modules
- module load git/...
Loads Git (version control system)
- module load gcc/...
Loads the GNU Compiler Collection (suite of C, C++, and Fortran compilers)
- module load openmpi/...
Loads the OpenMPI library (a dependency of netCDF)
- module load netcdf/..
Loads the netCDF library
Depending on how the netCDF libraries have been installed on your system, you might also need to load the netCDF-Fortran library separately, e.g.:
module load netcdf-fortran/...
- module load perl/...
Loads Perl (scripting language)
- module load cmake/...
Loads Cmake (needed to compile GEOS-Chem)
- module load flex/...
Loads the Flex lexer (needed for The Kinetic PreProcessor).
2. Check if Spack-built libraries are available
If your system doesn’t have a module manager installed, check to see if the required libraries for GEOS-Chem and HEMCO were built with the Spack package manager. Type
$ spack find
to locate any Spack-built software libraries on your system. If there Spack-built libraries are found, you may present, you may load them into your computational environment with spack load commands such as:
$ spack load gcc@12.2.0
$ spack load netcdf-c%gcc@12.2.0
$ spack load netcdf-fortran%gcc@12.2.0
... etc ...
When loading a Spack-built library, you can specify its version number. For example, spack load gcc@12.2.0 tells Spack to load the GNU Compiler Collection version 12.2.0.
You may also specify a library by the compiler it was built with. For example, spack load netcdf-fortran%gcc@12.2.0 tells Spack to load the version of netCDF-Fortran that was built with GNU Compiler Collection version 12.2.0.
These specification methods are often necessary to select a given library in case there are several available builds to choose from.
We recommend that you place spack load commands into an environment file.
If a Spack environment has been installed on your system, type:
spack env activate -p ENVIRONMENT-NAME
to load all of the libraries in the environment together.
To deactivate the environment, type:
spack deactivate
3. Check if libaries have been manually installed
If your computer system does not use a module manager and does not use
Spack, check for a manual library installation. Very often, common
software libraries are installed into standard locations (such as the
or /usr/local/lib
system folders). Ask your
sysadmin for more information.
Once you know the location of the compiler and netCDF libraries, you can set the proper environment variables for GEOS-Chem and HEMCO.
4. If there are none of these, install them with Spack
If your system has none of the required software packages that GEOS-Chem and HEMCO need, then we recommend that you use Spack to build the libraries yourself. Spack makes the process easy and will make sure that all software dependences are resolved.
Once you have installed the libraries with Spack, you can load the libraries into your computational environment as described above.